Corporate Data

Corporate Data

(As of April 2, 2018)
Company Name San ju San Financial Group, Inc.
Address of Head Office 510 Kyomachi Matsusaka, Mie
Address of Headquarters 7-8 Nishishinchi, Yokkaichi, Mie
Business Management of banks and companies that are permitted to be owned by the company as subsidiaries under the Banking Act, and all other work incidental thereto
Capital JPY 10 billion
Financial Year End March 31
Listing Stock Exchange Tokyo Stock Exchange, Nagoya Stock Exchange

Board Members

(Note 1) Director (Audit Committee Member)  Sumie Yoshida , Kenichi Matsui , Takashi Ueda and Toshiyuki Shimizu are outside directors as defined under Article 2(xv) of the Companies Act.(As of June 21, 2024)
Director and Chairman Mitsunori Watanabe
Representative Director and President Gotaro Michihiro
Representative Director and Vice Chairman Kenichi Yamakawa
Director and Executive Officer Hiroki Horiuchi
Director and Executive Officer Kazuya Kawase
Director and Executive Officer Isao Matsumoto
Director and Executive Officer Katsuhiro Horibe
Director(Audit Committee Member) Yasuo Maeda
Outside Director(Audit Committee Member) Sumie Yoshida
Outside Director(Audit Committee Member) Kenichi Matsui
Outside Director(Audit Committee Member) Takashi Ueda
Outside Director(Audit Committee Member) Toshiyuki Shimizu